Sizing Guide


  • Measure your finger at the end of the day, do not measure it when it's hot or cold.
  • The two hands differ in size; a ring fit for the left hand will not necessarily fit on the fingers of the right hand.
  • Make sure the ring passes easily through the whole length of the finger.
  • To measure your finger, you can use tape measure. Measure the circumference of your finger in mm. this measure corresponds to the size of the ring.
  • Or you can use this chart below and place one of your existing rings on the size that fits. 


  • Choose a bracelet that fits you well. Set it down flat. Measure with ruler the length in cm from the top of the clasp to the end of the bracelet. Make a note of that measurement.
  • Use a tape measure. Wrap the tape measure around the wrist on which you plan to wear your bracelet. Make a note of the number at the point where the tape meets the 0. To ensure the bracelet fits comfortably, add 1.5cm. You can then add or subtract centimeters according to whether you prefer a loose, exact or tight fit.
  • Bracelet wrist size chart picture.


  • Use our necklace size chart to determine the length you need.
